Sunday, March 11, 2007
Tip! First and foremost do not pop your pimples. Squeezing pimples can cause your acne to become worse, There is increased chances of infection, also you may push pus in the pimple deeper into the skin. There are many skin care products out on the market. There are skin care products made for men, women, and [...]
There are many skin care products out on the market. There are skin care products made for men, women, and all teens. Almost everyone’s skin breaks out at some point and that is why there are so many acne skin care products available today.
Because there are so many acne skin care products then you are more than capable of finding a product that will help your skin and help prevent blemishes. These medications are meant to help balance out your skin. The problem can be sensitivity, tone, ethnicity, or gender. Yes all of those can be factors in why your skin is breaking out. For some people a simple toner will help your skin, but for other you may have to go to a dermatologist to get a product that will work for you.
Facial cleanser is something everyone should you though. A facial cleanser is gentle and good for your skin. Be careful when trying to find an appropriate acne skin product because trying too many can dry out your skin, causing more acne.
If you are using peroxide to clean your face, get a moisturizer to keep your skin from becoming dry. This could also help keep you skin balanced. Test a small section of skin before settling on a product. You want to make sure it won’t make your skin worse.
For men, try using a manual razor over an electric razor. Change the blade often, so your face will not get irritated by pieces of hair that may have stuck in the razor. Always rinse your blade in hot water, so you do not infect your skin. Use shaving cream that is meant for sensitive skin.
Taking vitamins will also help balance your skin. Watch what you eat and drink. Sugar can be a huge cause in a break out. Foods with sulfur, like garlic and onions can be used to increase acne. Consider talking to a dermatologist to get the most out of acne skin products. is a health information portal founded by Jakob Culver.
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Nurse's Guide To Acne Skin Care Posted By :
There are times when one has to think about alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure or solution to their acne, zits, pimples and blackhead problems. While it is easy to find acne treatments, finding the just the right treatment or treatment product for you is what is important.
Water As A Weapon Against Acne
Tip! Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. However, some safeguards need to be in place to ward off acne that can result from your workout routines. Acne can be likened to a lion who strikes after observing a calf [...]
Acne can be likened to a lion who strikes after observing a calf with a bad limp. Acne is an opportunistic attacker. If acne fought you in a boxing match, it would in fact hit you while you were down. It shows up when the internal environment of the body becomes sufficiently prone and vulnerable to attack.
Under the right conditions, acne will slip into the doorway unannounced. Quality water will keep acne on the outside looking in. Drink plenty of water in your battle with acne.
Let’s face it, even in the absence of scientific evidence, a major clue of the importance of water to our survival stems from the fact that water makes up two thirds of the body. Hint-hint! Water will greatly improve your ability to fight off and resist acne.
By the way, busy day at work today? So busy that you didn’t even pause to gulp down a drink of water? When you neglect to drink, the water in your body decreases, causing a decrease in your blood volume. When your blood volume decreases to a dangerous level, the thirst control center in your brain, the hypothalamus, gets triggered into action. Ever find yourself overcome by that “thirsty feeling?” That’s the hypothalamus demanding that you quench the bodies thirst.
Consider this fact a very important point. Whenever you get that “thirsty feeling” you’re already dehydrated. Here’s why you need to be aware of this important point. You tend to only drink enough to “quench your thirst.” But you really need to drink much more in order to increase your blood volume. So, if you’re thirsty, drink lots and lots of water.
These ten tips will help us stay in top condition, and show us how water can be used as a weapon against acne:
1. Water aids in the proper digestion and absorption of food in the colon. Please don’t be confused on this point. You should not drink liquids while consuming a meal. Powerful stomach acids can adequately process the food. Drinking liquids with meals only serves to weaken the stomach acids and slow down or at times even stop digestion. Water should be taken on board at least thirty minutes before or thirty minutes after the meal.
2. Water aids in the circulation and elimination of the body. The body eliminates through perspiration, urination, and excretion. This water must be replaced.
3. If you don’t eat food for 5-6 weeks, the strong possibility exists that you could die. If you don’t drink water for 5-6 days, in all likelihood you will die.
4. Two thirds of the weight of your body is water. Think of it! If you weigh 180 lbs. Then 120 lbs. of your weight is water.
5. Water is essential to transporting waste out of the body.
6. As much as ninety five percent of your brain is water.
7. Long stint sitting at your desk today? When you get up to stretch, do you hear your bones making all sorts of weird popping and cracking noises? Make a bee line for the water cooler because water is a lubricant, it will help.
8. Do you enjoy public speaking? Mouth ever dry out? Tongue feel like a piece of leather? What do you reach for, toast? Of course not! You reach for water because the base for saliva is water.
9. If you sit most of time, constipation may surface as a problem. Water can prevent constipation, by keeping things moist and moving.
10. Put that can of soda down. Now! Get over to the water cooler and get yourself a drink of water. That 12 oz. can of soda is chuck full of acid, (don’t even start with the sugar). Let’s say you realize the error of your ways, and you wanted to neutralize the acid now in your body from that soda you just drank. You better get started immediately drinking your water, because it will take 32 glasses to do the job.
Here’s more, each one of these tips constitutes a plank in building the foundation of a healthy system. A healthy system gives you a fighting chance in the battle against acne. While engaged in this battle, everyone should drink quality water on a daily basis. If you don’t drink your six-pack daily, (water that is), you leave yourself vulnerable and open to illness and disease. Water is the frontline weapon in the battle against acne.
Wycliffe Williams has been in sales management for twenty years. Writing articles has become rewarding and fun. He has a young daughter who has battled acne for years. If you enjoyed this article please check his site: